We are surrounded by people who do not know the difference between Sindhu and Hindu. This dangerous ignorance will destroy the future of our nation and people.
The Hindu religion that we see today is only a parasite that grows and lives around the great tree of Sanatana Dharma. In every sense, Hinduism is the opposite of Sanatana Dharma; Sanatana Dharma is the religion of sages who uphold reason, but Hinduism is the religion of scholars who bury Sanatana Dharma. To realise this truth, knowledge alone is not enough, but also wisdom is required.
If Adi Shankaracharya gave knowledge, then Sree Narayana Gurudevan is the one who gave the wisdom. Those without wisdom will never attain success, happiness, and salvation; money and status do not necessarily bring wisdom. When the fire of wisdom burns, the darkness of all the problems we face will be removed; not all gurus can guide us to the path of wisdom; only a guru who has attained a siddhi can do it. One gets a guru only based on their spiritual paternity. And only you know who your guru is, because your guru is determined by your previous karma.
Ignorance may lead you towards Hinduism, but wisdom will guide you towards Sanatana Dharma. Never be confused, because wisdom is solely based on your fate.